Bad Thinking Diary

Chapter 54 of “Diary of Bad Thoughts” introduces the main character with a lot of complicated and complicated psychology. The long story with many chapters is always updated as soon as possible on the website kieuchinhqs.com

Bad Thinking Diary
Bad Thinking Diary

I. Bad Thinking Diary chapter 53

In Chapter 53, Yuna makes an effort to establish a deeper connection with Minji. Following the significant break and Minjae’s confession, as well as her successful meeting with Hyera to discuss their plans together, the subsequent chapters delve into Hyera’s initial impressions of Yuna and the various approaches she takes to make Yuna her own.

Bad Thinking Diary
Bad Thinking Diary

During a group discussion, Minji expresses her concerns about Hyera’s sudden disappearance. Yuna reassures Minji and helps her feel better, dispelling any thoughts that Yuna is too good for her. They share a warm hug and exchange laughter over their jokes. Kim-min suggests that Yuna should study with her, but Yuna politely declines, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing their studies. With a playful remark of “I hate you,” Minji takes the lead as they head outside.



II. Summary of the previous chapter of Bad Thinking Diary

Chapter 46 opens with a scene of Min-Ji and Yu-na studying together at home while preparing a meal for their journey back. Whenever Yu-na is eating, Kim-min maintains a polite demeanor while gazing at her affectionately, and vice versa. They are enjoying their friendship when suddenly, Yu-na takes a sip of water from her bottle, causing Kim-min to stare at her intently.

Bad Thinking Diary
Bad Thinking Diary

The next thing Yu-na shows Kim-min is a picture on her phone, capturing herself nodding at the table with an open book. The photo portrays her in an adorable manner, prompting Yu-na to tease her about it. Kim-min surprises Yu-na with a sudden kiss on the cheek, leaving her momentarily taken aback. The chapter concludes with Yu-na kissing Kim-min while embracing her, as Kim-min sits in Yu-na’s lap, creating a delightful moment for both women and leaving readers eagerly anticipating what comes next.



Please note that all information presented in this article has been obtained from a variety of sources, including wikipedia.org and several other newspapers. Although we have tried our best to verify all information, we cannot guarantee that everything mentioned is accurate and 100% verified. Therefore, we recommend caution when referencing this article or using it as a source in your own research or report.

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